반도체대학에서는 최첨단 학문분야인 반도체의 고급 인력양성을 위해 가천대학교의 교육목적인 미래를 지향하는 지성인, 나눔에 동참하는 실천인, 최고를 추구하는 전문인을 목표로 향후 세계가 추구하고 있는 AI 사회의 발전에 부응할 수 있고 나눔에 동참할 수 있는 실천하는 첨단 분야의 창의성 있는 전문 기술인과 미래지향적 지성인으로 양성하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 전자공학을 기초로 첨단 반도체에 대한 전문적 지식 습득이 가능하도록 반도체소자공학과 반도체설계분야에 있어 보다 전문화된 학문과 응용원리 및 실습을 중점적으로 교육하고, 산학 협동 체제와 글로벌 공동연구를 구축하여 학교에서 터득한 이론을 현장에서 적용할 수 있는 폭넓은 산지식을 갖추게 함으로써, 반도체분야의 국가 발전에 기여할 수 있는 최고 전문인을 양성하고자 한다.
국내 최초로 설립된 가천대학교 반도체대학은 국가와 사회가 요구하는 첨단 산업분야의 인재를 하루가 다르게 발전하는 기술내용을 반영하여 육성하고자 합니다. 첨단 산업분야의 교육목적을 실현하기 위해 세부적으로 전자공학에 기반을 둔 반도체 소자 및 설계에 대한 기본 원리과 응용을 견실하게 학습하여 AI 반도체를 비롯한 최신 반도체에 대한 전반적인 개발 동향을 신속하고 포괄적으로 이해할 수 있도록 교육과정을 운영하고 있습니다.
특히, 반도체교과목을 4년간에 걸쳐 집중적으로 학습하여 석사급 전문 지식을 함양하고 3, 4학년에 집중 배치된 실습 위주 교육을 통해 졸업후 산업체 현장에 즉각적 투입이 가능한 인재를 양성하고자 합니다.
이를 위해 세계적으로 우수한 연구역량을 갖추신 교수님들과 산업체 풍부한 경험이 있는 교수님들을 모시고 양적 질적으로 높은 수준의 교육을 제공하고 있습니다.
어떤 교육 기관도 따라 올 수 없는 반도체단과대학의 300명이 넘는 배출 학생들과 그에 기반을 둔 다양한 반도체 전문분야의 우수한 교수진으로 산업체와 국가가 필요로 하는 현장 투입이 가능한 고급 인력 양성에 지속적으로 힘을 쏟고 있습니다.
가천대학교 반도체대학은 대한민국의 주력 산업인 첨단반도체분야의 현장과 교육 훈력 간의 격차를 최소화하는 첨단 교육내용을 제공하여 전문적 핵심역량 인재를 양성하여 선도적으로 반도체분야의 발전에 기여하고자 합니다.
#6-24, College of Semiconductor
Department Head
Majors | Name | Office | Tel | Research homepage | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Young-Joon Kim | youngkim@gachon.ac.kr | #6-21, College of Semiconductor | +82 031-750-8851 | Link |
Department of Next-Generation Semiconductor Design | Tae-Kyoung Kim | tkkim@gachon.ac.kr | 409 College of Semiconductor | 031-750-5696 | Link |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Hocheon Yoo | hyoo@gachon.ac.kr | #303, The Central Library | +82 031-750-5802 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Display | YeoungJin Chang | yjchang@gachon.ac.kr | Vision Tower Office# 410 | +82 031-750-2652 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Design | Hyun Seok Oh | hyunsoh22@gachon.ac.kr | Vision Tower, Office# 405 | +82 031-750-2644 | Link |
Department Prof(Electronic Engineering)
Majors | Name | Office | Tel | Research homepage | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Young-Joon Kim | youngkim@gachon.ac.kr | #6-21, College of Semiconductor | +82 031-750-8851 | Link |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Sang Jik Kwon | sjkwon@gachon.ac.kr | #731, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-5319 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Jung Cheul Park | jcpark@gachon.ac.kr | #738, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-8754 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Hyeon Cheol Ki | hcki@gachon.ac.kr | #734, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-5322 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Jang Won Kim | jwkimm@gachon.ac.kr | #733, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-5588 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Jae-Pil Chung | jpchung@gachon.ac.kr | #735, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-5318 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Tae Bong Lee | tblee@gachon.ac.kr | #739, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-5816 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Hyung Seok Han | hshan@gachon.ac.kr | #728, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-5561 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Eou-Sik Cho | es.cho@gachon.ac.kr | #609, College of Semiconductor | +82 031-750-5297 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Sungbo Cho | sbcho@gachon.ac.kr | #608-A, College of Semiconductor | +82 031-750-5321 | Link |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Hocheon Yoo | hyoo@gachon.ac.kr | #303, The Central Library | +82 031-750-5802 | Link |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Sung Sik Nam | ssnam@gachon.ac.kr | #727, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-5801 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Hyukmin Son | hson102@gachon.ac.kr | #747, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-5697 | |
Department of Electronic Engineering | Hojong Choi | hojongch@gachon.ac.kr@gachon.ac.kr | #745, AI Engineering Building | +82 031-750-5591 |
Name | Majors | Education | Research Interests |
Young-Joon Kim | Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering | B.S. (KAIST, 2008) M.S. (KAIST, 2010) Ph.D. (Purdue University, 2016) |
Wearable device RF packaging |
Sang Jik Kwon | Ph.D. in Semiconductor Display Engineering | B.S. (Kyungpook National University) M.S. (Kyungpook National University) Ph.D. (Seoul National University) |
Semiconductor Display |
Jung Cheul Park | Ph.D. in Electronic Materials Engineering | B.S. (Myongji University) M.S. (Myongji University) Ph.D. (Myongji Unjiversity) |
Electronic Materials |
Hyeon Cheol Ki | Ph.D. in RF Circuit Design & Wireless Communication | B,S, (Hanyang University) M.S. (Hanyang University) Ph.D. ((Hanyang University) |
RF Circuit Design Wireless Communication |
Jang Won Kim | Ph.D. in Communication and Information Systems | B.S. (Myongji University) M.S. (Myongji University) Ph.D. (Myongji Unjiversity) |
Communication and Information Systems |
Jae-Pil Chung | Ph.D in Communication System | B.S. (Dankuk University) M.S (Dankuk University) Ph.D (Korea Aerospace University) |
Communication System |
Tae Bong Lee | Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering | B.S. (Hongik University) M.S. (Hongik University) Ph.D. (Hongik University) |
Electronic Engineering |
Hyung Seok Han | Ph.D. in Control and Instrumentation Engineering | B.S. (Seoul National University, 1986) M.S. (Seoul National University, 1988) Ph.D. (Seoul National University) |
Sensor System and Application, Control Information System |
Eou-Sik Cho | Ph.D. in FED | B.S. (Seoul National University) M.S. (Seoul National University) Ph.D. (Seoul National University) |
Sungbo Cho | Dr.-Ing. in Physics and Mechatronics | B.S. (Korea University) M.S. (Korea University) Ph.D. (Saarland University) |
Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy, Bioelectronics, BioMEMS |
Hocheon Yoo | Ph.D. in Semiconductor Devices | B.S. (Hanyang University) Ph.D., IT Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) (Mar 2014 - Aug 2018) |
Emerging Semiconductor Materials Neuromorphic Devices AI Edge Devices Nanomaterials Thin-Film Circuits Sensors for Healthcare and Biomedical Applications |
Sung Sik Nam | Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering | B.S. (Hanyang University) M.S. (Hanyang University) M.S. (University of Southern California) Ph.D. (Texas A&M University at College Station, 2009) |
Wireless Communication Statistical Performance Analysis Communication Systems Optical Wireless Communication |
Hyukmin Son | Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering | B.S. (Yonsei University) M.S. (Yonsei University) Ph.D. (Yonsei University, 2011) |
Wireless communication systems Standard technology for 3GPP RAN1 |
Hojong Choi | Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering | B.S. (Kyung Hee University) M.S. (University of Southern California) Ph.D. (University of Southern California, 2012) |
Hardware, System, Ultrasound |
Department Prof(Semiconductor Engineering)
Majors | Name | Office | Tel | Research homepage | |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | Hocheon Yoo | hyoo@gachon.ac.kr | The Central Library, Office# 303 | +82 031-750-5802 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | Jaehoon Kim | jaehoonkim@gachon.ac.kr | College of Semiconductor, Office# 5-3 | +82 031-750-5522 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | Kitae Eom | keom@gachon.ac.kr | College of Semiconductor, Office# 6-17 | +82 031-750-5817 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | HongJoon Yoon | yoonhj1222@gachon.ac.kr | College of Semiconductor, Office# 6-8 | +82 031-750-5771 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | SangYeol Lee | sylee2020@gachon.ac.kr | Gachon hall, Office# 929 | +82 031-750-5341 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | Soogil Lee | leesoogil83@gachon.ac.kr | College of Semiconductor, Office# 6-19 | +82 031-750-5564 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | Heonjae Jeong | hjeong@gachon.ac.kr | College of Semiconductor, Office# 6-18 | +82 031-750-5316 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | Gangtae Jin | gjin@gachon.ac.kr | College of Semiconductor, Office# 6-1 | +82 031-750-5521 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | Dooho Choi | dhchoi802@gachon.ac.kr | College of Semiconductor, Office# 5-5 | +82 031-750-5523 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Engineering | Moon Jong Han | doorbell1@gachon.ac.kr | College of Semiconductor, Office# 6-20 | +82 031-750-5505 | Link |
Name | Majors | Education | Research Interests |
Hocheon Yoo | Ph.D., Semiconductor Devices | h.D., IT Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) (Mar 2014 - Aug 2018) | Emerging Semiconductor Materials Neuromorphic Devices AI Edge Devices Nanomaterials Thin-Film Circuits Sensors for Healthcare and Biomedical Applications |
Jaehoon Kim | Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Ph.D. (Sep. 2013 - Aug. 2018) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea B.S. (Mar. 2009 - Aug. 2013) School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea |
Semiconductor Device, Optoelectronics |
Kitae Eom | Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering | B.S. in Physics, Gachon University, 2012 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 2018 |
Heteroepitaxial growth and characterization of complex oxide thin films, Oxide nanoelectronics, Correlated electron materials |
Hong-Joon Yoon | Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering | Sungkyunkwan University, 2018 | Energy harvesting materials/devices, self-powered sensors, bioresorbable electronics |
Sang Yeol Lee | Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering | State University of New York at Buffalo, 1992 | Amorphous Oxdie Semiconductor, Al Neuromorphic Semiconductor Device, Thin Film Transistor and Logic circuit |
Soogil Lee | Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering | B.S. Yonsei university, 2008. Ph.D. (integrated) Yonsei university, 2016 |
spintronics, <br>magnetic random-access memory, <br>magnetic materials |
Heonjae Jeong | Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021 | Materials & Process Mechanisms, Computational Modeling & Simulations, Machine Learning |
Gangtae Jin | Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering | POSTECH, 2021 | Research Interests Packaging, Interconnects, Epitaxy |
Dooho Choi | Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering | Pusan National University, 2003 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, 2005 Carnegie Mellon University, 2011 |
Thin Films, Transparent Electrodes, Advanced Interconnects, Interface Engineering |
Moon Jong Han | Ph.D. in Nanoscience & Technology | KAIST, 2020 (Ph. D.) Yonsei University, 2016 (M. S.) Gachon University, 2014 (B. S.) |
Optoelectronics, Multifunctionalities, Bio-inspired electronics |
Department Prof(Next-Generation Semiconductor Design)
Majors | Name | Office | Tel | Research homepage | |
Department of Next-Generation Semiconductor Design | Tae-Kyoung Kim | tkkim@gachon.ac.kr | 409 College of Semiconductor | 031-750-5696 | Link |
Department of Next-Generation Semiconductor Design | Jooyeol Rhee | jrhee@gachon.ac.kr | 409 College of Semiconductor | +82 031-750-5698 | Link |
Name | Majors | Education | Research Interests |
Tae-Kyoung Kim | Ph.D. in Communication System | POSTECH, 2015.08 | Wireless Communication, Machine Learning |
Jooyeol Rhee | Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems | Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering |
Analog IC, Analog-digital converters, Power Management IC |
Department Prof(Semiconductor Display)
Majors | Name | Office | Tel | Research homepage | |
Department of Semiconductor Display | YeoungJin Chang | yjchang@gachon.ac.kr | Vision Tower Office# 410 | +82 031-750-2652 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Display | Sung Jin Kim | elskim@gachon.ac.kr | Vision Tower Office# 410 | +82 031-750-2653 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Display | Jinho Jeon | jeonjinho@gachon.ac.kr | Vision Tower Office# 410 | +82 031-750-2650 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Display | Shinil Choi | hopefor2@gachon.ac.kr | Vision Tower Office# 410 | +82 031-750-2654 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Display | Changsoo Lee | lcslcs11@gachon.ac.kr | Vision Tower Office# 410 | +82 031-750-2651 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Display | Sang-Bae Yi | sangbae@gachon.ac.kr | AI Engineering Building, Office# 742 | +82 031-750-2656 | Link |
Department of Semiconductor Display | Ki-Jeong Lee | kjlees@gachon.ac.kr | AI Engineering Building, Office# 743 | +82 031-750-2657 | Link |
Name | Majors | Education | Research Interests |
YeoungJin Chang | Ph.D. in Semiconductor and Information Display Engineering | Kyung Hee University(2024) Kyung Hee University(2004) Kwang Woon University(1996) |
Metal Oxide Thin Film Transistors, Semiconductor Materials, Micro Display |
Sung Jin Kim | Ph.D. in Materials and Science and Engineering | (Bachelor) Seoul National University of Science and Technology(1990)(MS) Chung-Ang University(1993) (MS) Rutgers University(1999) (Ph,D) North Carolina State University(2004) |
Semiconductor Materials, Thin Film Deposition, Optics and Electromagnetics |
Jinho Jeon | Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering | Kwangwoon University (1990 Bachelor) Kwangwoon University (1992 Master) Yonsei University (2023 Ph.D.) |
Semiconductor and Memory Device, Thin Film Deposition, Metal ALD |
Shinil Choi | Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering | (Bachelor) Seoul National University (1999) (Master) Seoul National University (2001) (Ph.D.) Seoul National University (2006) |
Display Fabrication Process, Plasma Process (Dry, Etching, CVD, PVD) in Display & Semiconductor |
Changsoo Lee | Master in Electrical & Communication Engineering | Tohoku University in Japan (1991) | Product & Package Engineering in Semiconductor, Quality & Reliability Engineering in New Technology Production, Analysis of Semiconductor Industry Trends |
Sang-Bae Yi | Ph.D. in Materials & Semiconductor Device Physics | Kwangwoon University (1996) Kwangwoon University (1989) Kwangwoon University (1987) |
Semiconductor Materials & Device, Semiconductor Process, Semiconductor Manufacturing Operation |
Ki-Jeong Lee | h.D. in Chemical Engineering | Ajou University, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering(1997) Ajou University, M.S. in Chemical Engineering(1990) Ajou University, B.S. in Chemical Engineering(1988) |
Semiconductor Process Technology, Equipment & Materials, Semiconductor Analysis, Metrology & Inspection, Semiconductor Device Integration(Transistor & Capacitor Engineering) |
Department Prof(Semiconductor Design)
Majors | Name | Office | Tel | Research homepage | |
Department of Semiconductor Design | Hyun Seok Oh | hyunsoh22@gachon.ac.kr | Vision Tower, Office# 405 | +82 031-750-2644 | Link |
Name | Majors | Education | Research Interests |
Hyun Seok Oh | Ph.D. in Signal processing and wireless communication | Sungkyunkwan University(1989) New York University(1992) New York University(2000) |
-AI Accelerators such as TPU(Tensor Processing Unit), Neuromorphic Computing, Quantum AI Accelerators -Design of Mobile Application Processors including CPU(Central Processing Unit), GPU(Graphics Processing Unit), NPU(Neural Processing Unit), ISP(Image Signal Processor), Memory Controllers, Connectivity Interfaces -Communication Modem Design such as LTE/5G/6G, Wi-Fi/Wi-Fi 6/Wi-Fi 6E/Wi-Fi 7, BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy)/Zigbee(IEEE 802.15.4) |
Byung Chul Kim | Master of Electronic Engineering | Kyungpook National University(1987) Kyungpook National University(1989) |
-development of Test Socket and board for HBM(High Bandwidth Memory) -High speed I/O scheme-Sense Amplifier scheme -Sense Amplifier scheme for low VDD operation. |
Man Hyuk PARK | Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering | Hanyang University(1989) Chungnam National University(1994) Chungnam National University(1999) |
Programming Language Embedded System AI (Artificial Intelligence) |
Jae Cheol Son | Ph.D. in Electronics and Electrical Engineering | Yonsei University(1988) KAIST(1990) KAIST(1992) |
High-performance Processor and SoC Design Computer Architecture Statistical Signal Processing |